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Optimizing Your Distribution Network, Powered by SAP Business One

Resolv is a fully integrated suite of distribution, logistics and warehouse management software, developed for and powered by SAP Business One. Resolv is designed to optimize freight, shipping and warehouse operations to reduce operating costs, while increasing productivity, quality and revenue with integrated and mobile supply chain technologies.

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Extend Your Network

Resolv is an SAP Certified Integration application for both SAP Business One on SAP HANA as well as Microsoft SQL, providing distributors the flexibility to choose their own preferred database platform.

Resolv Desktop Applications are a robust suite of distribution specific solutions, developed specifically for SAP Business One. An SAP Certified Integration for both SAP Business One for SAP HANA and Microsoft SQL, Resolv provides an extended level of industry specific functionality, unmatched by any other application in the market.

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Resolv +Mobility

Complete Functionality On Your Tablet or Mobile Device.